mind map
- Created by: tom
- Created on: 12-04-13 20:38
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- Acquiring skill movement
- Scheme theory
- This theory suggests that motor programmes are not stored as seperate items as presented by the open loop theory instead are stored as generalised movements
- Memory item one- knowledge of initial conditions
- Memory item two- knowledge of response
- Recall Schema
- Memory item two- knowledge of response
- Memory item three- knowledge of sensory consequences
- Memory item four- knowledge of movement outcome
- Recognition scheme
- Memory item four- knowledge of movement outcome
- Motivation/ arousal
- Drive theory of arousal as motivation increases so does performance
- Inverted u theory- if arousal increases beyond an optimun point performance decreases
- Catastrope theory- if somatic and cognitive arousal is too high there will be a sudden drop in performance
- Scheme theory
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