- Created by: tom
- Created on: 11-04-13 22:03
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- Acquiring skill Movement
- Classification Continua
- Muscular Involvement
- Fine- Intricate movements using smaller muscle groups
- Gross- large muscle movements where there is little concern for precision
- Environmental Influencer
- Open-Movement skills effected by the environment
- Closed- skills that are not effected by the environment
- Continuity
- Discrete- skills that have a clear beginning and end
- Serial- movement skills that have a number of discrete elements that are put together to create a definite order
- Continuous-skills that have no definite beginning or end
- Pacing
- Self pace- performers determines when the movement starts
- Externally paced- determnied by environment
- Differculty
- Simple-little information to process and decsions to make
- Complex-high perceptual load and many decisions to make
- Organsiational
- Low- subroutines easily sepertated
- High- subroutines closely linked
- Muscular Involvement
- Classification Continua
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