Abortion _ Religious Education
- Created by: Deborah Mercy
- Created on: 14-03-13 10:53
View mindmap
- Abortion
- Sikh
- Medical ethics
- Ethical views
- Statistics
- Definition
- Egoism and Aultruism
- Christian Denominations
- Principle of Double Effect
- Muslim
- Law on abortion
- Catholics
- Church of England
- Northern Ireland
- Past laws on abortions
- Vera Drake vs. Behind Closed doors
- Scholars
- Case studies against abortion
- Reasons for having an abortion 60-2013
- Time limit
- Personhood
- Pro Choice
- Pro- Choice
- Anglican Church
- Methodist
- Sancitity of life
- Ectopic pregancy
- Alternative methods to abortion
- Types of abortion
- Buddhism
- Natural law
- Ensoulment
- Quickening
- Absolute/relative morality
- Contraception
- Abortion clinics
- Types of abortions
- 4 ckauses to abortion
- Deontological ethics
- Mehodist
- Stats on abortions
- Marry Anne Warren
- Women and poverty/patriarchy
- Viability
- Religious quotes
- Religious leaders
- Changes in society's views
- Women rights
- Feminist movements
- ** Windrush and the new migrants
- Real life experiences of abortion
- Rights of the fetus
- Update of the 1967 law on abortion - Human Embryology and Human Fertilisation Act 1990
- Risks of abortions - includes various ages
- High/middle and working class
- Websites and companies for aborion
- Comanies against abortion
- Long term risks of abortion
- Society for the protection of the unborn
- Abortion rights
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