- Created by: Sannah247
- Created on: 02-03-16 12:15
View mindmap
- Abortion
- Basics
- Different types of abortions
- Key facts of human development
- Keywords
- Definition of abortion
- Law on abortion
- Different types of abortions
- Areas of debate
- Biblical passage to support Christian beliefs
- Job 1:21
- Isaiah 49:5
- Genesis 1:27
- Jerimah 1:5
- Job 1:21
- Sanctity of life
- How do these quotes support SOL
- Biblical passage to support Christian beliefs
- Beginning of life/ Personhood
- Pro life
- Pro choice
- Biological debate
- Viability
- Potentiality
- Birth
- Quickening
- Viability
- Philosophical Debate
- Ensoulment
- Relational factors
- Consciousness
- Continuity
- Ensoulment
- Rights
- Foetus, mothers and fathers rights?
- Is some contraception abortion?
- Untitled
- Should foetal tissue/ eggs be used?
- Should disabled foetus have fewer rights?
- Is some contraception abortion?
- When does Personhood begin?
- Thomson- Is abortion self-defence? can they feel pain?
- Foetus, mothers and fathers rights?
- Basics
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