abnormality mind map
sorry for spelling mistakes
- Created by: Emma Cornhill
- Created on: 28-04-15 13:33
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- approaches to abnormality
- cognitive approach
- faulty cognitions
- Becks negative triad
- Negative view of...
- Self
- World
- Future
- Negative view of...
- Ellis's ABC Model
- activating events (A) trigger...
- thoughts and feelings (B)
- these thoughts have consequences on future actions and events (C)
- rational beliefs
- irrational beliefs
- beliefs affected by same cognitions as descried in Becks Model
- rational beliefs
- beliefs affected by same cognitions as descried in Becks Model
- these thoughts have consequences on future actions and events (C)
- thoughts and feelings (B)
- activating events (A) trigger...
- Treatments
- Cognitive Behavioural therapy
- reframing of thoughts
- Cognitive Behavioural therapy
- evaluative points
- Advantages
- it works
- effective
- disadvantages
- doesn't work for everybody
- Advantages
- behavioural approach
- Treatments
- Stress inoculation training
- Flooding
- Aversion therapy
- evaluative points
- Advantages
- works particularly well for phobias
- effective
- Disadvanatages
- putting participants under unnecessary bouts of stress, cause psychological harm
- doesn't work for severe conditions, such as schzophrenia
- Advantages
- operant conditioning
- social learning
- Treatments
- Biological approach
- Genetics
- Treatments
- Drugs
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- MAOI's
- SSRI's
- Electro-convulsive therapy
- can work when all else fails
- Psychosurgery
- Frontal lobotomy
- Drugs
- evaluative points
- advantages
- can help with relieveing symptoms so other therapies can help
- effective
- no blame
- scientific
- disadvantages
- reductionist
- treats the symptoms not the problem
- ethical issues with some treatments
- doesn't work for some abnormalities
- might encourage patients to be passive
- advantages
- changes to brain function
- Nature over Nurture
- Mcguffin et al
- twin studies
- psychodynamic approach
- Freud
- treatments
- Psychoanalysis
- Free association
- Dream analysis
- evaluative points
- advantages
- can work
- disadvantages
- unfalsified
- focuses too much on the id principle
- advantages
- cognitive approach
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