A streetcar Named Desire Scene 1
Hi, just thought id make a quick mindmap with notes from A Streecar Named Desire Scene 3. Hope its helpful. Im not too sure what my exam board is but enjoy!! :)
- Created by: sheercaan
- Created on: 06-01-15 20:21
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- A streetcar Named Desire
- Blanche
- Initially portrayed as a negative character
- Blanche craves alcohol from early on in the play
- Aware of social distinctions
- Her attitude to eunice and the other women foreshoadwos her condemnation of stanley
- She is vain and needs flattery
- Afraid of growing old and loosing her looks
- Clearly vulnerable
- Only Blanche can hear the polka music
- She is compared to a moth
- Symbolism and imagery
- Blanches white clothes ironically suggest virginal connotations
- Her constant drinking symbolizes her inability to cope with reality and her desire to forget the past
- Hearing the polka music symbolizes her thinking about her dead husband
- Blanche's obsession with her looks symbolises her inablity to cope with reality. We all become old and loose out looks
- Stanley
- He makes a big impact in scene 1
- Symbolism and Imagery
- Stanley's animal sexuality is symbolised by numerous stage directions
- Stanley's butcher package symbolises blood, danger, violence and his primitive qualities
- Stanley's characterisation being brash, loud and arrogant is symbolic of thw New South
- Symbolism and Imagery
- He is described in the stage directions as a 'gaudy seed-bearer'
- The entrane with the package of meat symbolizes his primitive qualities
- He is cocky and insensitive
- His entrance underscores the intense sexual bond between him and Stella
- Stanley tossing the meat is exciting to Stella
- He makes a big impact in scene 1
- New Orleans
- Cosmopolitan city where all faces mingle freely
- Elysian Fields means paradise or the home of the blessed
- Not Blanches idea of heaven
- The Apartment
- The doors and windows are always open
- Symbolizes how Stanley and the others leave everything out in the open
- Belle Reve is the name of the Dubois family's former plantation
- Belle Reve translates as beautiful dream
- This is appropriate because all that is left now is the dream
- Symbolism and Imagery
- The cramped apartment is symbolic of all the characters being thrown together and the claustrophobic lives they lead
- The doors and windows are always open
- Tennessee Williams
- Stage Directions
- The blue piano music is used to symbolize the Elysian fields area of New Orleans
- Symbolism and Imagery
- The music of the blue piano symbolises the vitality and pleasure of the French Quarter of New Orleans
- Symbolism and Imagery
- The polka music is obviously important
- They are used to draw attention to the two main characters; Blanche and Stanley
- The blue piano music is used to symbolize the Elysian fields area of New Orleans
- Stage Directions
- Blanche
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