OCR A2 PE: Sports Psychology Unit Content
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?- Created by: abububaggins
- Created on: 28-05-15 13:25
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- A2 PE: Sports Psychology
- Individual Aspects of Performance
- Personaliity
- Trait Perspective
- Social Learning Theory
- Vicarious
- Interactionist Approach
- Psychological Core etc
- Personality Types
- Neurotic / Stable
- Extrovert / Introvert
- Narrow Band Theory (Type A / Type B)
- Trait Perspective
- Attitudes
- Learned Behavioral Predisposition
- Attitude Object
- Socialisation
- Peer Group
- Prejudice
- Triadic Model
- Cognitive / Affective / Behavioural
- Changing Attitudes
- Cognitive Dissonance
- Persuasive Communication Theory
- Achievement Motivation
- Competitiveness
- Incentive Value
- High/ Low Nach
- High/ Low Naf
- Approach/ Avoidance Behavior
- Mastery Orientation/ Learned Helplessness
- Attribution Theory
- Reasons given by performers to explain success/ failure
- Locus of Causality
- Stability
- Attribution Bias
- Attribution Retraining
- Aggression (Impact on Behavior/ Performance)
- Hostile / Channelled
- Antecedents/ Causes
- Social Learning Theory/ Nurture
- Frustration Aggression Hypothesis
- Aggression Cue Hypothesis
- Instinct Theory
- Elimination of Aggression
- Cognitive Strategies
- Imagery
- Positive Self Talk
- Imagery
- Somatic Strategies
- Biofeedback
- Cognitive Strategies
- Personaliity
- Group Dynamics of Performance
- Group Cohesion
- Group Dynamics
- Social Processes
- Factors Affecting...
- Group Cohesion
- Group Dynamics
- Social Processes
- Factors Affecting...
- Task Cohesion
- Interactive Sports/ Activities
- Social Cohesion
- Co-active Sports/ Activities
- Sub-groups
- Task Cohesion
- Sticking togther etc
- Group Dynamics
- Task Cohesion
- Interactive Sports/ Activities
- Social Cohesion
- Co-active Sports/ Activities
- Sub-groups
- Group Cohesion
- Sticking togther etc
- Group Dynamics
- Group Performance
- Steiner's Model (AP=PP-FP)
- Co-ordination losses (Ringlemann Effect)
- Motivation Losses (Social Loafing)
- Steiner's Model (AP=PP-FP)
- Leadership
- Qualities of a Leader, e.g Ambition & Vision
- Three leader characteristics.. Democratic, Autocratic, Laissez-Faire
- Emergent/ Presribed
- Social Facilitation & Inhibition
- Zajonc's Drive Theory of Social Facilitation
- Co-actors, non-threatening
- Passive, Silent Audience
- Emotive Supporters
- Co-active Competitors
- Dominant Response
- Evaluation Apprehension
- Home Advantage Effect
- Proximity Effect
- Distraction-Conflict Theory
- Zajonc's Drive Theory of Social Facilitation
- Group Cohesion
- Mental Preparation for Physical Activities
- Goal Setting
- Goal Types
- Long, Medium, Short-Term Goals
- Activity Based Goals
- Performance
- Process
- Product
- Self-Confidence- Impact on Performance, Participation & Self-Esteem
- Self-Efficacy, Bandura
- Self-Efficacy Theory
- Performance Accomplishments, Vicarious Experiences, Verbal Persuasion & Control of Arousal
- Self-Efficacy Theory
- Self-Efficacy, Bandura
- Sports Confidence Theory
- Trait Sports Confidence (innate)
- State Sports Confidence
- Competitive Orientation
- Objective Sports Situation
- Attentional Control
- Inverted U Theory
- Cue Utilisation Hypothesis
- Attention Styles
- Broad, Narrow
- Internal, External
- Emotional Control
- Anxiety
- Management Techniques
- Somatic Techniques (Physical)
- Biofeedback
- Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR)
- Cognitive (Thought)
- Imagery
- Positive Self-Talk
- Thought Stopping
- Rational Thinking
- Somatic Techniques (Physical)
- Management Techniques
- Stress
- Individual Zone of Optimum Functioning (IZOF)
- Peak Flow
- Anxiety
- Goal Setting
- Individual Aspects of Performance
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