A2 PE Psychology Short Term
- Created by: Joshua Jackson
- Created on: 16-04-14 10:04
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- A2 PE Psychology Short Term
- Motivation and Stress control
- motivation the drive to play well
- preparation phase
- (before game) influence by self confidence
- Bandura 77 self efficacy- (self confidence in a specific situation) affected effort put in and how long the preserve
- 4 factors
- 1.accomplishments (past experience)
- 2. vicarious experience (observed others)
- 3.social persuasion (support/speeches from others)
- 4. Emotional arousal (physiological and emotional state)
- 4 factors
- Anxiety
- reaction to a threat in the environment part of flight or fight
- 1. Cognitive worry and feelings about performance
- 2. somatic physiological raised HR, sweat
- 3. Behavioural tension, agitation and restlessness
- State anxiety- situation specific e.g. penalty kick
- trait anxiety- general feeling of apprehension
- Choking
- failure to perform due to anxiety
- helped by setting goals
- imagery of success
- postive talk
- relaxation techniques
- music
- Anxiety control methods
- mental rehersal
- coping skills (change attitude of something)
- somatic and cognitive skills (physical and mental reaction)
- performance monitoring review (record performances and workout best situation for you)
- pre performance routines (specific tasks to always do)
- simulation training - train with pressure
- reaction to a threat in the environment part of flight or fight
- Arousal
- can affect technique and each athlete has their own individual response
- Theories
- Inverted U- relationships between performance and arousal
- Drive Theory- the greater the arousal the more typical the performance (good do well, weaker do worse)
- Catastrophe theory- arousal depends on cognitive anxiety, low CA gives good performance but high CA is Catastrophic
- processing efficiency- anxiety may affect processing athlete need to work harder when anxious to keep same level of performance
- Aggression and Assertion
- aggression- intent to harm outside of rules
- caused by
- nature innate biological get frustrated become aggressive
- nurture- bandura 77 something we learn from watching others
- caused by
- assertion- controlled channeled aggression
- aggression- intent to harm outside of rules
- Home Advantage
- 56-64% home wins (especially indoors due to being closer to the crowd)
- Social Facilitation
- the influence of others - could be players or others
- Social inhibition
- could have negative effect by increasing arousal, competitive drive and speed of performance
- Social Loafing- so many taking part you can get away with doing less
- Coping Strategies
- practising selective attention
- cognitive visualisation techniques and strategies
- imagery
- mental rehersal
- cue utilisation
- slef talk
- perfection of skills
- encourage people to give feedback
- practice with crowd noises
- stress management and relaxation techniques
- Evaluation apprehension theory
- cottrel 72
- not affected by people watching you but whether if you feel the people watching you are judging you
- e.g. england selector
- Motivation and Stress control
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