A2 Business studies overview
- Created by: emilyhufford
- Created on: 22-05-18 10:39
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- A2 Business Studies
- Mission, corporate objectives and strategy
- SWOT analysis
- Mission and objectives - influenced by external and internal factors
- Internal analysis
- Balance sheets
- Assets (non-current and current) and Liabilities (current and non-current)
- Working capital = current assets - current liabilities
- Debtors and stock must be controlled
- Depreciation and Appreciation
- Income statements
- gross profit - operating profit - PFTY
- Can be used for decision making
- Ratios
- Current ratio
- Gearing
- Quick acid test
- Inventory turnover ratio
- Payables and receivable days ratio
- Current ratio
- Overall performance
- Marketing - Human Resources - Operations
- Can compare data to other businesses
- Core Competences
- Performance over time
- Methods of assessing performance
- Balanced scorecard
- Elkington's Triple Bottom Line
- Balance sheets
- Analysing the external environment
- Legal environment
- Competition laws
- EU is a single market - less restrictions on trade - competition
- Laws protecting the community and environment
- Laws that protect customers and consumers
- Regulation
- Employment laws
- Political environment
- Government policies encourage enterprise
- Infrastructure
- Environmentalpolicies
- International trade policies
- Economic environment
- Inflation
- Monetary policies
- Economic growth
- Typically followed by a recession
- Exchange rates
- Interest rates
- Taxation
- Ficscal policies - expansionary vs contractionary
- Trade - protectionism and open
- Global economy
- Emerging economies - BRIC
- Globalisation
- Social Environment
- Demographic changes
- Urbanisation and Migration
- Environmental and ethical issues
- Stakeholders vs shareholders
- Technologicalenvironment
- Creates opportunities and threats
- New technology - CAD - ERP - Stock control systems
- Competitive environment
- Porters five forces
- Legal environment
- Investment appraisal
- Payback
- Discounting
- Strategies
- Marketing strategies
- Markets and products influence marketing strategy
- Ansoff Matrix
- Used to decide on growth strategy
- Positioning strategies
- Competitive advantage
- Porter's generic strategies
- Bowmans strategic clock
- Strategic methods
- Business growth
- Economies and Diseconomies of scale
- Experience curve
- Economies of scope
- Retrenchment
- Organic - grows from within
- External growth - vertical, horizontal or conglomerate
- Can be risky and cause disruption
- Grieners model of growth
- Franchising
- Business growth
- Innovation
- Intrapreneurial
- Kaizen
- Benchmarking
- Patent - Trademark - Copyright
- Product vs Process innovation
- New Product Development
- Intrapreneurial
- Entering international markets
- Size of the market - political or economic factors - cultural, ethical and environmental
- Exporting/ importing - Licensing - Alliances - Direct investment
- Locating abroad
- Offshoring and re-shoring
- Multinationals
- Bartlett and Ghoshal strategies
- Use of digital technology
- Efficiency and productivity
- Planning strategy
- Contingency planning
- Planning process for strategies
- Marketing strategies
- Managing change
- Causes of change
- Internal vs external factors
- Lewins; Force field analysis
- Incremental or disruptive
- Barriers to change
- Managing change
- Delayering
- Becoming more flexible
- Employment contracts
- Structures for change
- Overcoming barriers to change
- Kotter and Schlesinger
- Organisational culture
- Task - Role - Person - Power - Entreprenurial
- Causes of change
- Mission, corporate objectives and strategy
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