A modest proposal
- Created by: Iona cp
- Created on: 30-01-24 21:17
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- A modest Proposal
- Genre-essay (satirical)
- Register-formal language + satircal (changes purpose
- Audience-The educated classes
- Mode-written and printed
- Purpose-persuade,entertertain, inform (teritary)
- critiques of poverty witnnesed and to provide solutin
- Context and content
- Swifts was incredibly poor growing up
- Swift had previously made several proposals to Itish gov to help poor
- Swift felt the irish goverment didnt do enough for the poor and didn't treat them as humanly as people with money
- Highlighted the poor quality of life poor children lived
- He mocked the goverment and critiques the upper classes
- we should eat the poor
- It is a polemical piece
- Expresses a strong critical attack ot/or controversial opinion about something or someone
- Language used
- Scientific and factual langguage
- "breeders"
- anamalistic
- gendered languag
- semantic fields
- of labour e.g."honest livelihood"
- to dehumanise poor
- "merchants","saleable commodity","yield","four times that value"
- of cooking "stewed,roated,baked,orboiled"
- religious lexis
- pronouns
- poor constantly referred to as "they"
- seperate
- "demand our charity"
- collective pronoun
- poor constantly referred to as "they"
- oxymoronic language
- e.g."humbliy propse"
- list of threes
- objectify poor
- always beggars
- "they"
- complex senteces
- Satire
- "we can neither employ them in handicraft or agriculture"
- What the irish gov shoul've been doing
- "lawful occupation of begging"
- "that a child just born will weigh 12 pounds,and in a solar year, if tolerablt nurse,encreaseth to 28 pounds."
- "they have already devoured most of the parents"
- The rich devor the poor
- "proffessed beggars"
- as if they chose to be beggars
- Long rambling in places where not alot is actually said
- like people who propse economic solutin
- "we can neither employ them in handicraft or agriculture"
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