A Level sociology paper 3
- Created by: megrclarke
- Created on: 07-06-19 16:06
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- A Level Sociology paper 3: class differences in crime
- the working class commit more crime because of;
- Functionalism
- not everyone is well socialised into society like functionalists say we are
- the working class often develop their own set of values which clash with mainstream culture
- not everyone is well socialised into society like functionalists say we are
- Strain theory
- Merton viewed deviance as being caused by individuals not being able to achieve societies goals
- lower classes had little access to legitimate means so are more likely to be deviant
- Merton viewed deviance as being caused by individuals not being able to achieve societies goals
- Interactionist theory
- focuses on the stereotyping and labelling of the working classes
- their activities are more likely to be defined as criminal because the police spend more time with them (Becker and Lemert)
- focuses on the stereotyping and labelling of the working classes
- Marxist theories
- the ruling class define crime so make sure the rules enforced go against the working classes
- Crimes of the powerful such as white collar crime and tax evasion for example, tend to unnoticed .
- the ruling class define crime so make sure the rules enforced go against the working classes
- Right realism
- the rise of the underclass who raise children in lone parent families who live on welfare benefits
- this leads to a collapse in moral behaviour
- the rise of the underclass who raise children in lone parent families who live on welfare benefits
- crimes of the powerful
- laws are often biased towards the higher class
- Sutherland (1949)
- crime was not a working class phenomena
- there is also white collar crime such as tax evasion; this is less likely to be prosecuted .
- crime was not a working class phenomena
- Sutherland (1949)
- laws are often biased towards the higher class
- types of cooperate crime
- white collar crimes actually cause more harm than blue collar crimes
- this is because they cover things such as tax evasion and health and safety violations
- abuse of trust
- high status professionals sometimes abuse their trust
- eg, Doctor Harold Shipman who was allowed to continue practicing despite murdering 15 of his patients.
- high status professionals sometimes abuse their trust
- abuse of trust
- this is because they cover things such as tax evasion and health and safety violations
- white collar crimes actually cause more harm than blue collar crimes
- the invisibility of corporate crime 'crimes of the powerful'
- the media
- very little coverage is given to corporate crime
- politics
- politicians often make a promise to be 'tough on crime'
- however, this only applies to visible crimes such as street crime
- politicians often make a promise to be 'tough on crime'
- Difficulty
- these crimes are often seen as complex and its hard to fund
- these make lengths of investigations difficult
- these crimes are often seen as complex and its hard to fund
- under reporting
- the victims of corporate crime is oppressed to being an induvidual
- when the victim is an individual they may not realise
- the victims of corporate crime is oppressed to being an induvidual
- the media
- Functionalism
- explanations of corporate crime
- 1. Strain theory
- Merton's strain theory focuses on achieving material wealth being blocked
- Box argues that a company cannot achieve goals through legal means so do it through illegal means eg, cutting costs in health and safety .
- Merton's strain theory focuses on achieving material wealth being blocked
- 2. differential association
- it is argued if we socialise with criminals, we are more likely to engage in criminal acts
- employees of a company that commit crimes may be socialised into this criminality
- it is argued if we socialise with criminals, we are more likely to engage in criminal acts
- 3. Marxism
- Box argues that corporations are criminogenic
- because when real opportunities are blocked they resort to illegal means
- this is usually seen in developing countries eg sweatshop workers
- because when real opportunities are blocked they resort to illegal means
- Box argues that corporations are criminogenic
- The extent to which corporate crime happens is over exaggerated
- these theories also dont explain corporate crime in non profit organisations such as the police
- The extent to which corporate crime happens is over exaggerated
- 1. Strain theory
- the working class commit more crime because of;
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