Feminine Gospels-A Dreaming Week
- Created by: Phoebe.C
- Created on: 12-01-17 14:42
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- A dreaming week
- Themes
- The female voice
- "An open unread book"
- It is suggested that books by females do not get read which is why the book is "unread" and this takes away their voice.
- "the monocle of the moon"
- The moon is used to represent femininity so it is suggested that only female writers experience this and that they have a completely different experience to male writers.
- "An open unread book"
- Creativity
- "tides have come and gone"
- This implies that creativity is limited and must be used when it can be found
- "dust,must, most,moot, moon,mown, down"
- The use of similar random words illustrates that creativity is inconvenient as an individual does not get to choose when their creativity is useful .
- "tides have come and gone"
- Time and life
- "the last evening"
- Can be seen as the last evening of ever suggesting that a writer will spend their whole life writing
- "stuttering clock"
- Suggests that the narrator does not want time to stop as they are seeing time differently from the conventional appearance of reality
- It is implied that time changes while writing as writing takes up the whole of an individual's life so the time does not realy matter
- "the last evening"
- The female voice
- Resources and critical quotes
- https://letterpile.com/poetry/The-Feminine-Gospels-by-Carol-Ann-Duffy-A-Dreaming-Week-Poetry-Analysis
- Elaine Feinstein-poems are prayer-like and intense with feeling
- https://www.theguardian.com/books/2002/sep/14/featuresreviews.guardianreview
- Charlotte Mendelson review https://www.theguardian.com/books/2002/oct/13/poetry.features1
- includes some short, tender, quiet poems of beautiful lyricism, such as Anon, Wish and North-West; but its most audacious and ambitions piece is a long poem (47 13-line stanzas), The Laughter of Stafford Girls' High, a wonderful invention which [...] itself gallops along with a wild, rollicking energy.
- Context
- Carol Ann Duffy is Poet Laureate so writing is a great part of her lifestyle
- As the first female Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy may feel that women's voices have been previously ignored
- Themes
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