3A: the periodic table

  • Created by: Strelly22
  • Created on: 18-02-21 09:25
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  • 3A: the Periodic Table
    • Perodic Table
      • Group
        • a vertical column in the periodic table
        • have similar chemical properties
        • have same number of valence electrons
      • Period
        • a horizontal row in the periodic table
        • elements show trends in properties across a period
    • Periodicity
      • the regular repeating pattern in properties of the elements across different periods
      • FIE
        • the energy required to remove 1 electron from each atom in 1 mole of gaseous atoms (to form 1 mole of gaseous 1+ atoms)
        • increase across period
        • decrease down group
        • between 2 and 3 and 5 and 6 don't follow rules
      • MP
        • Increase group 1 to 4, peak at 4, 5 to 8 are much lower
      • electrical conductivity
        • only metals have any conductivity as they need delocalised electrons
      • Atomic radius
        • general decrease across period
        • period 3 greater than period 2
        • nuclear charge increase across period
        • nuclear attraction increases across period
        • very little effect on shielding
        • increase down group
    • Group 2 Reactions
      • metal + oxygen ? metal oxide
      • metal + water ? metal hydroxide + hydrogen
      • metal + acid ? salt + hydrogen
      • when looking at reactivity, look at FIE + 2IE as 2 electrons need to be removed to show energy for reactivity
      • metal oxide + water ? metal hydroxide
      • trends in hydroxides
        • solubility increases as go down
          • more soluble = more alkaline
        • alkalinity increases as go down group
        • pH increases as go down group
    • Properties of Halogens (all move down)
      • Cl
        • gas, green RTP
        • toxic
        • strongest bonding
      • Br
        • liquid, brown (with orange vapour) RTP
        • toxic and corrosive
      • I
        • solid, grey RTP
        • toxic vapour formed when heated
      • bp increase
        • higher bp = more energy required
        • stronger attractions = higher bp
      • covalent bonded diatomic molecules with simple molecular structure. London forces
      • boiled , attractions between molecules broken, with molecules, nothing
      • atomic radius increase
    • Halogen Reactions
      • Displacement reactions
        • Cl
          • water: very pale green (colourless)
          • hexane: pale green
        • Br
          • water: orange
          • hexane: orange
        • I
          • water: orange
          • hexane: purple
        • all the ions colourless in both
        • Eg: Cl2 + 2Br- ? Br2 + 2Cl-
      • Disproportion reactions
        • the oxidation and reduction of the same element in a redox reaction
        • Cl2 + H2O ? HClO + HCl
        • Cl2 + 2NaOH ? NaClO + NaCl + H2O


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