3.1 question
- Created by: Emilyburkee
- Created on: 07-01-21 11:39
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- To what extent did the role of parliament in the government of England change
during the period 1485–1603?
- LOA- not to a great extent
- P1 - yes
- Hvii used parliament to declare him king and back date his regin 1485
- shows that parliament were starting to gain a more important role in government
- small monasteries were dissolved by an act of parliament in 1536
- shows that they still held significance
- Hvii used parliament to declare him king and back date his regin 1485
- P2 - no
- Hviii- parliament was mostly inactive
- only called 4 times 1509-29
- only sat for 72 weeks
- was only really called when money was needed
- Hviii- parliament was mostly inactive
- P3- no
- 1602- elizabeths golden speech
- asserted her primary position as monarch
- shows that parliament's role was virtually the same
- asserted her primary position as monarch
- 1602- elizabeths golden speech
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