english ks3
- Created by: crosbycasey56
- Created on: 05-05-14 17:54
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- How does the first sentence of paragraph 2, of paragraph 3 and of paragraph 4 help thereader to follow the ideas in the text?
- to put the ideas in chronological order, eg:– they put the ideas in the order in which they happened
- to show the progression of fame over time, eg:– they all mention a new century to show how much fame has changed through time.
- 2006 Reading Paper
- as though I had dropped into aHollywood film set
- a sense of unreality, eg:– she can’t believe what she sees as it’s so unexpected.
- How does this article create the impression that the Brit School is an important andexciting place?
- Words such as ‘excellence’, ‘encouraged’, ‘explore’ make the place sound more exciting. Thecomments made by staff and pupils are all positive about the school.make the readereven more convinced that it is an exciting place
- phrases such as ‘fast becoming theheart of Britain’s music industry’. It also points out flaws in the music industry – ‘record factory’, ‘producingcloned singers or overnight celebrities’ and shows it doesn’t have them – ‘we’re more than that’.
- Explain what the use of the word factory in this quotation suggests about the music world.
- repetitive / predictable, eg:– it creates lots of records that are the same.
- Explain how the use of language in the whole sentence shows just how interested people arein fame.
- ‘Addicted’ suggests that people can not live without celebrity culture.
- ‘zillions have flocked’ show thevast amount of people who want to be part of the celebrity culture.
- ‘we’ is used to describe a vast amount of people, which shows that a lot of people are interested incelebrities.
- the same celebrities appeara) over and over and over again
- it shows she has had enough of celebrities when it says she sees them over and over and overagain
- How does the first sentence of paragraph 2, of paragraph 3 and of paragraph 4 help thereader to follow the ideas in the text?
- to put the ideas in chronological order, eg:– they put the ideas in the order in which they happened
- to show the progression of fame over time, eg:– they all mention a new century to show how much fame has changed through time.
- In paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, explain how a sense of confusion is gradually built up.
- She uses the boats unpredictable movements and the mass of different voices to show confusion.
- In the second paragraph she says how things started happening more quickly Finally she says how everything had built up to become chaos.
- as though I had dropped into aHollywood film set
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