- Created by: MillieLynch
- Created on: 30-04-15 15:47
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- 1964: Freedom Summer Canmpaign
- Aims
- End the lack of voting rights of African Americans in the Deep South
- Mississippi the main focus
- 1962: Only 6.7% of African Americans in the state were registered to vote (lowest percentage in the country)
- Encourage more people to join the Mississippi Freedom Party (MFDP)
- Most racist, segregated state in the USA, despite the majority of its population being black
- The Desegregation of...
- Buses
- Trains
- Lunch counters
- Organisers
- Congress Of Racial Equality (CORE)
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
- National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP)
- What did the campaign do?
- More than 80,000 Mississippians joined the new party (MFDP)
- Elected 68 delegates to the national Democratic Party
- Challenged the seating of the delegates representing Mississippi's all white Democratic party.
- While the effort failed, it drew national attention
- Established 30 Freedom schools- address racial inequalities
- White college student assigned to teach
- Curriculum
- Black history
- Philosophy of the Civil rights movement
- Leadership development
- Hoped for 1000 students (1st year), ended up with 3000
- School became a model for future social programmes + alternative education systems
- More than 80,000 Mississippians joined the new party (MFDP)
- Impact
- 30 Black homes and 37 Black churches fire-bombed
- 80 volunteers beaten by white mobs
- 21st June: three men murdered by KKK (see Mississippi Murders)
- Mississippi Murders
- Who?
- White co-workers: Andrew Goodman
- Single gunshot wound
- White co-workers: Michael Schwerner
- Single gunshot wound
- Black volunteer: James Chaney
- Savage Beating
- White co-workers: Andrew Goodman
- found by a dam, 6 weeks after they had gone to investigate the church bombings near Philadelphia and were arrested
- Who?
- Results
- Negative
- Positive
- Brought national attention to the subject of Black desenfranchisement
- Led to 1965 Voting Rights Act
- Gave Blacks confidence in political action
- Brought national attention to the subject of Black desenfranchisement
- Aims
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