1.4 managing people
- Created by: courtroberts
- Created on: 09-04-17 19:32
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- 1.4
- approach to staffing
- staff are a cost
- centralised decision making
- minimum wage
- staff are an asset
- flatter organizational structure
- flexible workforce
- multiskilling
- part time
- temporary
- may lack commitment
- high training costs
- outsourcing
- home working
- staff dismissal
- staff contract is terminated due to breach in terms
- redundancy
- staff contract is terminated as job doesn't exist
- trade unions
- work council
- individual approach
- recruitment
- internal
- lower costs
- know staff skills
- low training costs
- know staff skills
- lower costs
- external
- more talent
- new ideas brought
- more talent
- selection methods
- interviews
- assessment centres
- aptitude tests
- on the job
- off the job
- training
- on the job
- training
- internal
- organisation design
- + 5 levels of hierachy
- narrow span of control
- hard HRM
- centralised
- hard HRM
- narrow span of control
- + 5 levels of hierachy
- 3 levels of hierarchy
- short chain of command
- soft HRM
- decentralised
- soft HRM
- short chain of command
- 3 levels of hierarchy
- teams from different functions work together on specific projects
- HR
- operations
- marketing
- finance
- teams from different functions work together on specific projects
- motivation
- Taylor
- staff trained on one task perfectly
- money = main incentive
- Mayo
- workers have social needs
- teamwork is motivational
- Maslow
- hierarchy of needs
- Herzberg
- motivating and hygiene factors
- no hygiene factors = no motivation
- hygiene = pay motive = recognition
- financial
- fringe
- Taylor
- job
- enrichment
- more responsibility
- rotation
- varying tasks and skills
- enlargement
- more tasks on same level
- enrichment
- leadership
- autocratic
- leader makes full decision
- democratic
- consults team but makes final decision
- paternalistic
- leader acts in fatherly way
- laissez - faire
- leader allows team to make decisions
- autocratic
- approach to staffing
- collective bargaining
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